Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Wiki

Immortanjoe6 Immortanjoe6 20 January 2021


If someone can upload higher quality photos of the following bosses: Captain Glur, Moles, Topo, Dark Corvo, Dark Raven. That would be great.

Optional: Also the 3d Models of the characters, uploaded on the wiki and a preferred website (Models-Resource), there is a Billy Hatcher section, but it only contains Billy and all egg models.

(Also, if possible, the icons of the bosses that appear on the left of the boss's health bar)

The reason why I'm suggesting these things is because, although the wiki already has the boss images and such, a majority of them are low quality, and with emulation and ripping software available, it is possible to get high quality pictures and models.

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Cabinalbum Cabinalbum 29 July 2018


I've so far overhauled the Crows page, created Quote and Userbox templates, Edited Billy, Rolly, Chick and Bantam's pages to all resemble eachother (adding quotes and editing infoboxes, as well as general cleanup), added an 'Egg Hunt' section to Forest Village (which I intend to add to each world in time) and filled out Chicken Elder Allani's page. I have also done general cleanup and correction (e.g. 'purple electric smoke' -> 'dark matter') on Dark Raven's page. 

As previously stated, I have plans to add Egg Hunt sections to every area. I also plan to cleanup the descriptions of each mission. I have been using the Official Strategy Guide by Tim Bogenn extensively to help me clean up this wiki.

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EggRolling EggRolling 11 January 2018

Wiki Adoption Completed

Hello to anyone who may be reading.

I have completed the adoption process through the Community Adoption Requests page and now am an admin of this Wiki. Here is the link to the adoption request should anyone be interested in that.

I've gone ahead and given the Wiki a visual upgrade and am still putting together some custom code for further appearance tweaks. I decided to keep it fairly minimalist, with just the standard white, blue, and yellow pattern from the basic egg. If you have feedback please don't hesitate to let me know.

The main things I have done include:

  • Enabled comments on pages.
  • Deleted some of the fan-made pages that do not belong on the Wiki.
  • Removed fan art.
  • Added custom backgrounds, colours, and icons to the Wikia design.
  • Updated …
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EggRolling EggRolling 29 December 2017

Potentially Adopting This Wikia

Hello to anyone that may still be active here.

I am going to be putting in an adoption request to the Community Central in order to take control of this Wiki. I realize this game was released in 2003, and the last edits made by the sole admin, User:Mixia-Meow-Mix, were in 2009. Another user, User:Ronnoc_the_Hedgehog, attempted to adopt the Wiki in 2012 but that seems to have fallen through. Here was his blog post.

I will be sending in an adoption request at the end of next week in 2018. If I am granted administrator access, I will go ahead and re-format a lot of the wiki and delete the junk images and pages that have accumulated over the years due to lack of proper maintenance. I have already updated the Egg Animals list with PNG images that…

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Ronnoc the Hedgehog Ronnoc the Hedgehog 23 July 2012

Working on adopting this wiki

Now I'm going to adopt this wiki! Just some minor setbacks

You have not founded, adopted, or been given admin access on another wiki in the last 60 days

I have, and might become one on JetSetPedia quite soon.

You have edited on the wiki for at least a week (the more the better)

Soon to be acomplished.

You have created at least one new page (the more the better)

Again,Soon to be acomplished

You are currently editing the wiki

Yes,Yes I am.

We've got sixty days, Feel free to talk to me any time you want ^.^

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